In this article, terms and concepts related to the field of education in English and Uzbek are analyzed from a comparative point of view. Also, the literature related to the field and the scientific opinions presented in them were researched.
In this article, terms and concepts related to the field of education in English and Uzbek are analyzed from a comparative point of view. Also, the literature related to the field and the scientific opinions presented in them were researched.
Ja’farov, Ibrohimjon Xolmuhammad o‘g‘li
Boboyev, Doniyor Xaydaraliyevich
Khidirboyeva, Rohila
Hasanov, Mirshod Nuʻmonovich
Kаipbergenоvа, Dilbаr Оrаkbаyevnа
Sadikova, Dildor Abdullayevna
Yuldasheva, Aziza Yuldashevna
Abdurahmonova, Mohichehra Rabbona qizi; Masharipova, Gularam Kamilovna
Нoсирoвa, Дилoвaр Нoрмaҳaмaд қизи
Maxmitova, Dilfuza Saydazimovna
Rаhmоnоvа, Sаnоаt Shuhrat qizi
Nazarmatova, Yorqinoy Maxmudaliyevna
Мамасалиев, Мирзоулуғ Мирсаидович
Yuldosheva, Mamura Bakhtiyarovna
Mirzayev, Ikrom Boboqulovich
Abdalimov, Isroil Qo‘ziboy o‘g‘li
Тоғаев, Тўлқин Маманазарович
Sayfullayeva, Sadoqat
Kushakov, Yusup Khaytbaevich
To‘raev, Laziz Abdivali o‘g‘li; Nizomova, Nigora Qosimjonovna
Abdullayeva, U.; O’rmonov, S.