This article focuses and analyzes the issues of prevention of the impact on the worldview of student-youth at a time when globalization processes are gaining momentum.
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This article focuses and analyzes the issues of prevention of the impact on the worldview of student-youth at a time when globalization processes are gaining momentum.
Khidirboyeva, Rohila
Kаipbergenоvа, Dilbаr Оrаkbаyevnа
Sadikova, Dildor Abdullayevna
Abdurahmonova, Mohichehra Rabbona qizi; Masharipova, Gularam Kamilovna
Vafayeva, Dilyafruz Artikovna
Mullajonov, Islomjon Yuldashevich
Kaipbergenova, D.O.; Hasanov, M.N.
Тураева, С.Х.