This article discusses the social and political views of Xi Jinping, who is known for his unique ideology in Chinese history. Also, the analysis of the book of Chinese President Xi Jinping on "State Management" is covered.
This article discusses the social and political views of Xi Jinping, who is known for his unique ideology in Chinese history. Also, the analysis of the book of Chinese President Xi Jinping on "State Management" is covered.
This article discusses the cultural level of our people during the Soviet colonial period, the cultural and educational activities carried out in our country and their implementation.
The article talks about the shrines of the Zarkhana village located in the remote mountainous area of the Surkhan oasis in the Sariasia district, and the beliefs related to them.
The article describes the content and nature of the accelerated ecological globalization processes in the world on the eve of the new century, its directions of impact on the environment, in particular, the causes of the fresh water shortage and suggestions for its elimination. Also, the problems that have a serious impact on the ecological environment in Uzbekistan, the factors that change the ecological situation and complicate relations and aggravate these problems are analyzed in detail.
The article is devoted to the study of the scientific work of Ibn Sina, one of the great thinkers from. Based on the analysis of the perfect human being, who has taken his rightful place in the history of Sufism, the scientist's Sufi views were illuminated.
This article presents proposals, opinions and conclusions regarding the strategic goals set for the development of our country in today’s globalization and integration period, their importance and implementation mechanisms. Scientific views on the relevance and essence of the Development Strategy for 2022-2026 are presented.
This article does not cover all the stages from the emergence to the formation of the Movarounnahr Arabic language school and even the complete development of a single scientific school. But the information we have provided will undoubtedly shed light on the Arabic school of Mowarounnahr and reveal that it occupies an important place among other Arabic schools in Basra, Kufa, Baghdad, Egypt and Andalusia.
The article is devoted to the development of Sufism in the territory of Mavaraunnahr. It analyzes the religious and military-political processes that preceded the Islamization of the region and population, as well as the ways and means that were used by the Arabs to achieve their goals. Chronologically, the article covers the processes of the 7th-11th centuries. The Islamization of the population of Mavaraunnahr, which by this period had its long-standing historical and cultural roots and heritage, was ambiguously difficult in several stages. Sufi orders played a major role in the final Islamization of the region.
In the referenced article, the role of the poetic word in classical lyric and epic poetry and their role in creating a symbol is revealed. Emphasis is placed on the level of emotional expressiveness of the poetic word through some samples. In particular, some of Babur's stanzas and one of his masnu' poems are analyzed, from the opinions expressed during the analysis, it is proved that the words in masnu' poems have a high level of formal charm and meaningful appeal.
In the course of this research, the method of determining sediment flow in stationary streams was considered. Taking into account the bottom and suspended state of the sediment, the method of calculating sediments with an unsteady flow related to the calculation of the transport of the sediment itself was analyzed.
Based on the Ackers-White dependencies for determining sediment flow in stationary flows, a method for calculating sediment with an unsteady flow is proposed, taking into account the division of sediment into bottom and suspended, which relates to the calculation of sediment transport itself.
In this article, the authors argue that by the new century, the character of all types of propaganda has fundamentally changed, that propaganda has become a powerful tool used on a global scale for the purpose of various social groups and political forces, and that these changes in the propaganda system are taking place under the influence of a number of social processes, trends, and factors.