This article is devoted to the religious and philosophical views of the Mu’tazilites and is based on the basic principles of the Mu’tazilites. The article seeks to interpret both the religious and philosophical views of the Mu’tazilites.
This article is devoted to the religious and philosophical views of the Mu’tazilites and is based on the basic principles of the Mu’tazilites. The article seeks to interpret both the religious and philosophical views of the Mu’tazilites.
We studied the thickness (80000, 100000 and 120000 hectares also 7,2;9,0 and 10,8 plants per 1 mph,nrespektively), soil moisture of the field in two different regimes irrigation (70-70-60 and 75-75-60 % as well as irrigation procedures 2-3-0 and 2-4-0, respectively) and the ratio of fertilizer in two principles (1:0,7:0,5 and 1:1:0,5). Annual fertilizers are: N200 P140 ва K100 and N200 Р200 ва К100 kilograms. The irrigation regime is bassed on the fakt that the yield of cotton grovn under 70-70-60% of the ChDNS hugher than the yield of the variaunts irrigated on the 75-75-60 regime. At 70-70-60% irrigation mode, depending on the thickness of the bush and the fertilizer ration, on average yield of 35,4-40,5c/ha is abtained, 75-75-60% the yield in cultivation varied by an average of 33,5-36,5e/s. Experience shows that the micronaire index of the fibers is higher in the irrigation mode of 70-70-60 % than the fiber which consists of 4,3-4,5 micronaire and irrigation of 75-75-60 %.
This article shows the method of solving mathematical problems: simplifying expressions, using derivation in proof of identity and inequalities. This method is much easier than classical methods, and it is considered with the help of examples.
This article widely provides imminent ways to bulliying in the teaching process through concrete explanations, such as creating a discrimination-free environment as well as abolishing the concept of inequality in the teaching process by creating new policies in the environment of the school and the changing mindset of learners who are discriminated.
In this article, the issues of education and upbringing, which are always considered relevant, are analyzed. These analyzes were made on the basis of the works of Eastern scholars on education and training, as well as knowledge and enlightenment. In addition, the importance of the issue of education and training today has been shown.