The article discusses the unique achievements of electronic books, stimulating the younger generation to read books and increasing the culture of reading, meaningfully spending their free time, enriching their knowledge.
The article discusses the unique achievements of electronic books, stimulating the younger generation to read books and increasing the culture of reading, meaningfully spending their free time, enriching their knowledge.
Ja’farov, Ibrohimjon Xolmuhammad o‘g‘li
Kаipbergenоvа, Dilbаr Оrаkbаyevnа
Abdurahmonova, Mohichehra Rabbona qizi; Masharipova, Gularam Kamilovna
Kushakov, Yusup Khaytbayevich
Jummayeva, Maftuna
Khalikova, Latofat Uktamovna
Mirzayev, Ikrom Boboqulovich
To‘raev, Laziz Abdivali o‘g‘li; Nizomova, Nigora Qosimjonovna
Abdullayeva, U.; O’rmonov, S.