We studied the thickness (80000, 100000 and 120000 hectares also 7,2;9,0 and 10,8 plants per 1 mph,nrespektively), soil moisture of the field in two different regimes irrigation (70-70-60 and 75-75-60 % as well as irrigation procedures 2-3-0 and 2-4-0, respectively) and the ratio of fertilizer in two principles (1:0,7:0,5 and 1:1:0,5). Annual fertilizers are: N200 P140 ва K100 and N200 Р200 ва К100 kilograms. The irrigation regime is bassed on the fakt that the yield of cotton grovn under 70-70-60% of the ChDNS hugher than the yield of the variaunts irrigated on the 75-75-60 regime. At 70-70-60% irrigation mode, depending on the thickness of the bush and the fertilizer ration, on average yield of 35,4-40,5c/ha is abtained, 75-75-60% the yield in cultivation varied by an average of 33,5-36,5e/s. Experience shows that the micronaire index of the fibers is higher in the irrigation mode of 70-70-60 % than the fiber which consists of 4,3-4,5 micronaire and irrigation of 75-75-60 %.
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