The great son of the Tajik people, Ahmad Donish, was an encyclopedist, teacher, reformer, scientist, writer, philosopher, thinker, poet, statesman of the Bukhara Emirate. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, under the influence of Ahmad Donish's work, the awakening of the advanced part of the intelligentsia took place not only in the Bukhara Emirate, but also in Central Asia. Their main idea was to demand from the ruling class and the bureaucratic apparatus to limit arbitrariness in relation to the ordinary working people, to take measures to develop the economy, science and culture, to reform the education system, to ensure the arbitrariness of state power and administration bodies. Elementary and democratic rights for the helpless citizens of Bukhara, etc. Therefore, the personality of Ahmad Donish and his work occupy a bright place in the pages of our history.
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