Ахмедова, Дильфуза Махаммадовна
(Uzbekistan-Urganch) - Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences PhD, Associate Professor of the Chemistry Department of Urganch State University
(Uzbekistan-Tashkent) - PhD in Law, Professor of the Department of Civil Law of the Tashkent State Law University
(Uzbekistan-Termiz) - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Educational Methodological Department of Termiz State University
(Uzbekistan-Tashkent) -doctor of philosophy in technical sciences,PhD, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Textile Production Technologies, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
(Uzbekistan-Karshi) - candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Social Sciences of the Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
(Uzbekistan-Karshi) - doctor of philosophy (PhD) in economic sciences, senior lecturer of the department of automation and control of technological processes of the Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics