The article was devoted to the discussion of Abu Rayhan Beruni's views on gradual development. The philosopher's book "India" is cited as the main source for the issue reflected in the article.
The article was devoted to the discussion of Abu Rayhan Beruni's views on gradual development. The philosopher's book "India" is cited as the main source for the issue reflected in the article.
This article discusses the present-day forms of Hindu philosophy, which has a long history, and the ideas behind them.
Mahatma Gandhi's worldview and philosophical ideas are focused on the problem of man. Because its ideological basis is that man is seen as an important factor. The formation of the ideas of humanism in his teaching did not happen by itself. He relied on religious teachings, ideological theories, and the views of philosophers and thinkers before him. Humanistic education is a long-standing discipline, and the study of this field is becoming increasingly important today. The word humanism has had several definitions. The encyclopedic dictionary of philosophy says: “Humanism (Latin humanus - humanity, humanism) is recognition of the value of a person as an individual, his right to free development and manifestation of his abilities, the definition of human happiness as a criterion for assessing social relations. The concept of “humanism” was reflected in the work of Eastern thinkers, and the ideas of their works influenced the work of European thinkers. Therefore, the most interesting and useful research for everyone is the study of man.