Ахмедова, Дильфуза Махаммадовна
(Uzbekistan-Karshi) - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of Higher Mathematics Department of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
(Uzbekistan-Karshi) -Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc),, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Agricultural Mechanization and Service, Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute
(Uzbekistan-Karshi) - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute
(Uzbekistan-Tashkent) - doctor of medical sciences, assistant professor of anatomy, clinical anatomy department of Tashkent Medical Academy
(Uzbekistan-Termiz) - doctor of medical sciences, associate professor of the 2nd department of medical biological sciences at the Termiz branch of TMA
(Turkey-Amasya) - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (DSc) - Professor of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Amasya University