In this article, some facts about the life of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, the great thinker and poet of the East, the great figure of Sufism, the founder of the Mavlawiya order, are considered based on the historical and spiritual information provided by the order. spiritual preachers. literary sources. Rumi clears up some of the confusion surrounding the lifestyle. It is also said about the great teachers and perfect teachers of Jalaluddin Rumi. Sayyid Burhoniddin Muhaqqiq Tirmidhi's meeting with Rumi, in Damascus Mawlana had a conversation with Sheikh ul-akbar Muhyiddin ibn Arabi in this city. Here is Afloki's story about the dialogue between Maulana and Shamsiddin in Sham. It was noted that in order to analyze and research Rumi's life, work and views, significant scientific work has been carried out in the USA and Western Europe. Rinald Nicholson should be noted as the first English scholar who seriously dealt with Roman studies. At first he knew Greek and Turkish, but because of his serious love for Persian, he learned Persian and later Arabic with his determination and unremitting efforts. Maulana's ghazals rose to the highest heights of poetry, called for truth, pleasure and charm, turning it into a symbol of wisdom. But these ghazals walk in such a world that there is a long distance between ordinary observations of life and it. No one is aware of this except the people of the unseen and Shuhud. The fact is that "Masnavi" first of all looks at such issues and concepts, establishes a connection with the essence of human life and lifestyle.